Space-Labor Saving Vertical Storage Of Goods For Fast Storage-Picking For Factories-Distributors-Wholesalers-Stockists-Retailers
VLM For Tires For Tire Manfuacturers, Distributors, Wholesaler, Stockists, Retailers
Intralog offer automated storage-retrieval systems for automotive tires, tyres for cars, trucks, heavy vehicles, construction machines, earth moving machine tires. Several solutions including VLM vertical lift modules, vertical lift machines, vertical storage towers, vertical carousels, paternoster, stacker cranes, storage automation, automated storage-retrieval systems
VLM Tires-Vertical Lift Modules for automotive tires, tyres for cars, trucks, heavy vehicles, construction machines, earth moving machine tires. For tire retailer, tire stockists, tire wholesalers, tire distributors, tyres distributors,tyres retailers,tyres stockists, tyres wholesalers.
VLM are high-density space-time-saving vertical storage solutions to store goods on metal trays on racks in front and rear. We offer conventioal VLM that are single column. And Multiple Column VLM. Multi-Column VLMs Functions As Several VLMs in One Structure. VLMs have longer wider trays with heavier tray load capacities 250 to 1000 kg per tray. Multiple Column VLMs have smaller trays lighter capacities 100 to 250 kg stored over multiple columns giving more tray locations, better usage of space, lighter structures, smaller power.