Space-Labor Saving Vertical Storage Of Goods For Fast Storage-Picking For Factories-Distributors-Wholesalers-Stockists-Retailers
VLM For Automated High-Density Vertical Storage Of Beverages In Boxes-Crates On Metal Trays
VLM Vertical Lift Machines Vertical Storage Towers – Single Column, Multiple Column for automated storage-retrieval systems, vertical storage of beverages stored in boxes-bins on metal trays.
Vertical Lift Machines Vertical Storage Towers store goods on trays on racks in front and rear with a lift moving up-down in the centre with automated storage-retrieval of trays over the racks. VLM is a high density automated vertical storage solution for slow-medium mover goods that bring goods-to-person at an ergonomic height for high throughput order picking in just a few steps. VLM uses vertical space for high density storage of goods in small footprint. Fully enclosed lockable goods storage protects goods against damage, dirt, theft, unauthorized access.
Conventional VLM store goods stored on metal trays across single wide columns in racks in front and rear. Multi-column VLM stores goods on smaller metal trays stored across multiple columns for dense storage, faster picking.
VLMs allow economic scalable solution for retailers, wholesalers, automated warehouses, distribution centers, and inplant buffer storages with 8-12m high buildings that cannot use far costlier stacker cranes.
VLM standard widths 1500 mm to 4500 mm. depths 2100 to 3000mm. VLM height starts at 2400 mm and can go up to 29000 mm.
VLM Tray payload capacities range from 275 kgs/ 450 kgs/ 900 kgs. Tray storing goods widths 1200 mm to 3900 mm, tray depths 800 mm to 1200 mm, maximum product height 600 mm. Size and weight of items stored, frequency of product mix changes is crucial
VLM can achieve high throughout rates from 150 items/hour to 350 items/hour. Output depends on many factor – application, size of goods, nature of SKUs. And Single Order / Multi Order / Batch Picking
And pick to light/ put to light devices and supporting goods handling-conveying system. By knowing inventory turn-around rates for fast-medium-slow movers, seasonal items; items with highest pick frequency can be stored closest to access window to reduce tray retrieval them
Slotting – keeping fast movers and co-picked items on same level and near access window also helps faster picking.
Optional height sensors measure job height in each storage tray. Allowing trays to be stored with 25mm vertical height between them to maximize storage density.
VLM storing heavy goods can have extractable trays and lifting devices for heavy items